Avon Coupon Code EARTHDAY

Avon Coupon Code EARTHDAY

Avon Coupon Code EARTHDAY
Avon Coupon Code EARTHDAY

  • Step 1: Enter Avon Coupon Code EARTHDAY during checkout.
  • Step 2: Receive a FREE Earth Day Tote in celebration of Earth Day with your $60 order.

FREE with your order of $60 or more. Use Code: EARTHDAY
Expires Midnight 4/24/2016 ET. Direct Delivery Only. While Supplies Last. Avon reserves the right to substitute any free item offered with an item of equal or greater value.

Online Exclusive, Limited Edition Earth Day Tote.

100% cotton, vegetable ink. 15 3/4″ H x 15 1/4″ W; handle drop, 10 3/4″.

Avon will donate $2.00 to the Avon Foundation for Women to fund reforestation programs through the Avon Healthy Forests, Beautiful World program.

Tropical forests are the “lungs of the earth,” helping to mitigate climate change and ensuring the wellbeing and livelihoods of women, families and communities around the world. At Avon, we are committed to supporting global reforestation. Avon’s Healthy Forests, Beautiful World global fundraising program has donated more than $7.5 million for global reforestation since 2010. 100% of the donation will fund reforestation projects managed by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in two of the world’s most critically endangered ecosystems.

Avon funding supports TNC and its partners in their goal to plant one billion trees by 2025 and has enabled the planting and protection of more than 4.5 million trees in Brazil. Since 2011, Avon has supported WWF’s New Trees program, a reforestation program focused on community-based planting, monitoring and maintenance of more than 148,000 tree seedlings in the degraded forests across the Indonesian islands of Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Lombok. These Indonesian forests also provide habitat for orangutans and elephants and are estimated to absorb more than 6,000 tons of CO2 over the next 10 years.
Avon Coupon Code EARTHDAY

Prices are good as of the campaign posted. Avon will honor these prices for two additional campaigns as long as you order from my eStore. You can “backorder” for two additional campaigns by selecting the campaign number link in the “Backorder Avon” menu at the top of this page.

If you know the Product Number of the item you want to order, you can go directly to the Avon Order Page. From there, simply select the campaign number and type in the Product Number and quantity. Please Contact Me if you have any problems with this process.

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Free Standard Shipping is valid in the 48 contiguous United States on purchases of $60 or more. No coupon code is required. Additional surcharges will be applied to orders going to Alaska and Hawaii. Eligible customers must select the Standard Shipping option during checkout in order to receive free shipping. Offer cannot be applied to expedited shipping methods. Taxes do not qualify toward the minimum purchase requirement. Offer is non transferable and subject to change without notice

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